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Joël Billieux

pixJoël Billieux is Professor of psychology at the catholic University of Louvain. He is  codirector of the Laboratory for Experimental Psychopathology and the Internet and Gambing Disorders Clinic (Saint-Luc University Hospitals, Brussels). His main area of research focuses on the relations between self-regulation-related processes (e.g., impulse control, decision-making) and psychopathological disorders. His most recent research tried to disentangle the psychological factors involved in healthy and problematic use of ICTs. He serves as Associate Editor for the journals International Gambling Studies and Journal of Behavioral Addictions. Since 2014, he is a member of the WHO task force on public health implications of excessive use of the Internet, computers, smartphones and similar electronic devices.

Publications récentes
2015. Avec Thorens, G., Khazaal., Y., Zullino, D., Achab, S., & Van der Linden, M. “Problematic involvement in online games: A cluster analytic approach”. Computers in Human Behavior, n°43, pp.242-250.

2015. Avec Philippot, P., Schmid., C., Maurage, P., de Mol, J., & Van der Linden, M. “Is dysfunctional use of the mobile phone a behavioural addiction? Confronting symptom-based versus process-based approaches”. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, n°22, pp.460-468.

2015. Avec Schimmenti, A., Khazaal, Y., Maurage, P., & Heeren, A. “Are we overpathologizing everyday life? A tenable blueprint for behavioral addiction research”. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, n°4, pp. 119-123.

2015. Avec Maurage, P., Fernandez-Lopez, O., Kuss, D.J., & Griffiths, M.D. “Can disordered mobile phone use be considered a behavioral addiction? An update on current evidence and a comprehensive model for future research”. Current Addiction Reports, n°2 , pp.156-162.

2013. Avec Van der Linden, M., Achab, S., Khazaal, Y., Paraskevopoulos, L., Zullino, D., & Thorens, G. “Why do you play World of Warcraft? An in-depth exploration of self-reported motivations to play online and in-game behaviours in the virtual world of Azeroth”. Computers in Human Behavior, n°29, pp.103-109.

Pages personnelles
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